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Many of my art pieces are inspired by the things I see on the internet.



If you don't know your big cats, this is my favorite of all - a cheetah. This piece was actually done on printer paper with that exact pencil within 45 minutes. This was a birthday gift. 


Mother & Cub

This is my favorite sketch due to the story behind it. This was one of the first pieces I tried in attempt to challenge myself when I was getting back into art. I am still amazed by being able to freehand an image. 

11" x 14"


Soft Kisses

I love intimacy especially in art. So don't be surprised if you find more than one set of lips in my work. Additionally, a form of my signature is adding beauty marks since I have so many.

8" x 10"


Take My Hand

With this being my first time doing hands, I was so frustrated even though I had an image to refer too. I often looked at my own arms to help.

8" x 10"

Lean In

My love for lips is pretty obvious, but this wasn't too much of a challenge done in my sketchbook. Someone wanted to witness my artistic abilities even though this was probably the easiest task..... but as you scroll, notice the evolution throughout two months.


Love Bites

The purpose of this simple sketch was for my YouTube video that was requested by many. It's another piece done on printer paper and pencil in my sketchbook. 


Peace of Mind

Cut me some slack, this is the the first human face I've drawn. I was quite emotional when I started this. Anger and frustration were flooding my brain so I grabbed a canvas. The idea is relieving stress and negative energy. Facial inspiration goes to a close friend - Thanks, Celeste. 

8" x 10"


Anna's Horse

This was another (actually, the first) annual Christmas present for the same friend I mentioned in Under The Sea's description. The difference of lighting is shown on both sides. Her love for horses inspired this, of course. Gosh, long distance best friendships suck. 

8" x 10"

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